Friday 21 October 2016

Lottie's Autumn Wardrobe

We're halfway through October now, so I thought I'd share some of the new additions to Charlotte's closet.

Cardigan, Berlingot. Vests, Tu @ Sainsburys, pack of five
Vests are integral part of any babies wardrobe and they're not something that I like to spend a lot of money on, as they're mostly hidden under t-shirts and cardigans. However, I do like to splash out on a few beautiful ones on the rare occasion that they peek out under a short sleeved dress. Most of Charlotte's vests and sleepsuits are just the basic white ones from Tu, but they also have some beautiful patterned ones. I picked up this pack of five from Sainsburys (with the help of my partner's colleague discount). They really appealed to me because one: long sleeves for A/W season and two: the incredible acorn print and mustard colour.

Red joggers, Morrison's. Grey Koala Joggers, Tu @ Sainsbury's. Navy Trousers. Morrison's.
We've also started to transition Charlotte from leggings into joggers and tights. Some days are still warm enough for leggings but generally she needs a little extra warmth on her little pegs. We've also said goodbye to any socks that end below the cuff of her trousers (in fact, today she has socks on that almost reach her nappy). This beautiful red pair were ones that Dan picked up for her whilst doing a food shop at Morrisons! I think they're absolutely gorgeous and they're also nice and thick. Then we have this pair of Koala print one from Tu again. These were actually in the boys range, but I've never been scared of shopping in the 'wrong' section. Most of my jumpers are from mens shop: clothing really doesn't need to be gendered. The grey is a bit of a breakaway from the Autumnal palette, but it was such a sweet print that I didn't mind! The last ones are slightly thicker leggings, not quite joggers. They're also from Morrison's and are navy with purple circles on: very sweet.

Cardigan, Berlingot. Jeggings, F&F @ Tesco. Socks, Mothercare.

The colder weather has also brought in a need for more knitwear. Now, I bought these two cardigans when I was still pregnant with Charlotte so they will probably not be available to purchase anymore. They're from the french brand Berlingot but I got them at a score from TK Maxx (£40 down to £6? Yes please!). I actually featured these cardigans in a haul video on my YouTube channel, but as they have only just made their way into her wardrobe, I thought they deserved a mention. Plus the gorgeous plum and red colours are perfect for Autumn.

Dress, F&F @ Tesco. Vest, Tu @ Sainsburys.

The last thing is this beautiful tartan dress from Tesco. I actually bought it in 3-6 months as she's still quite little on top, but it fits her pefectly. It's shaped like the shift dresses of the Sixties, which makes it perfect for crawling around in. It's also short enough that it doesn't swamp her legs and get caught under her, which is perfect for Charlotte the Explorer.

Hope you all enjoy your autumn days (specifically Halloween) and I'll be back in two weeks!

Friday 7 October 2016

Six Months On

Charlotte Galadriel, 22/09/2016 - six months

I never imagined how quickly six months could pass. It has been the most incredible six months of my life. Of course, they've also been the most tiring and heartbreaking. Going from working twenty hours a week to being responsible for a human life 24/7 is a pretty huge leap. But I wouldn't swap it for anything in the world. Offer me a million pounds on a silver platter and I'd politely decline.

Being able to grow and carry this child for nine months was such a pleasure. Breastfeeding has allowed us to continue this bond, using my body to help grow hers. Our lactation journey has been fraught with obstacles, but I'm so happy with the balance we've found between my milk and supplemental formula. Spending time with a bottle has taught Charlotte to thrive away from her mumma, allowing more bonding time with her father. It's also given her more opportunity to explore the world around her, as quicker feeding times provide more time for play. 

It's been wonderful watching her learn to use her body. The delight on her face when she first learnt to roll was astounding. The same look comes onto her face whenever she learns a new skill, but amplified each time as it earns her the ability to better explore the confusing world around her more. She sits, rolls, crawls, cruises: each skill pleases her more than the last. I relish in watching her reach objects that were previously out of her reach (before quickly picking her up and moving the offending item: usually baby wipes). Even as I write this Charlotte is cruising holding onto the sofa, attempting to look over at me and get as close as she can. A look round from me prompts the most incredible smile.

I hope the next six months pass a little slower so that I can appreciate them more. The drawback of having an adventurous baby is that we didn't get to experience enough of those tranquil, still newborn cuddles. Charlotte has only just let me start nursing her in cradle hold again: something she refused for months. I'm determined to make the most of it this time, even if it only lasts as long as her teething does. 

Here's to the next six, baby girl